Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Donald Trump Is A Trump!

  • These words are being used to describe this cartoon because Donald Trump is trying to become the elected offical to run in the presidential election for the Republicans and he is only throwing one "card" to make his opponent (Barack Obama) look bad.
  • A trumpet is represented in this cartoon and I think its only to put emphasis on his name "Trump" and also to make fun of the fact that he has not mentioned anything else but this same topic.
  • The action taken place in the cartoon is Donald Trump playing the trumpet and coming out the trumpet is a music note with the words "Obama's Birth Certificate".
  • The message of the cartoon is that Donald Trump is in no way shape or from capable of representing the Republicans in the presidential election of 2012. He has no proof of the allegations that he made and he is making the Republicans as a whole look extremely bad. The ideological perspective represented by the cartoonist is somewhat liberal because it seems as though he is speaking out on the stupidity of this whole thing.
  • This cartoon relates to a current political event because it is in headlines today, Obama will be seeking re-election and Donald Trump hopes to be his opponent. It relates to our class discussion because just like we discussed how Carnahan won the election in the film "Can Jeff go to Washington?" due to his family name. I believe Donald Trump feels as though he can run for president because of his economic status.
  • Satire and irony influence this cartoon because the artist is making fun of Donald Trump saying that he needs to say more about himself and have a better argument than what he has.

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