Tuesday, April 5, 2011


  • The caption is budget cuts and the caption is "its the only crossing guard they can afford". These words are being used to describe this cartoon because they represent one of the affects of the budget cuts.
  • Represented in this cartoon, are school children and a crossing guard. I think the artist means that if we continue to get money cut from our budget we wont have things like crossing guards to keep the children safe.
  • The children are crossing the street and the crossing guard is fake so they are in harms way if they do not look for cars or if cars don't see them.
  • The message of the cartoon is that we need the money they are taking away even for the little things like crossing guards that they think are not important. The artist ideological perspective is an independent because you cant really tell if he agrees with the budget cuts or not.
  • This cartoon relates to a current political event because they have cut funding for schools and this will affect major things like art programs, books, etc. It relates to class discussion because as students we need to know what is going on so we have talked about how the budget cuts will affect our education.
  • Satire and irony relate to the topic in the cartoon because he made the crossing guard a scare crow and that is unreal it was supposed to exaggerate the cartoon to get the point across.

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