Sunday, March 27, 2011

Time to pull the plug on nuclear power!!!

  • These words are being used to describe the political cartoon because in Japan there are nuclear chemicals that are polluting the air and something needs to be done to keep the people of Japan safe and healthy.
  • In the cartoon, Japan's nuclear disaster is represented. I think the artist means that it is now time to help Japan reduce nuclear radiation levels so that the workers who work at the Fukushima plant may return back to work and the people who had to evacuate their homes can return.
  • The action in the cartoon is a hand taking a plug that is getting its energy from a representation of the nuclear power plant and pulling it out of the socket wall.
  • The message of the cartoon is that the United States will now get involoved with Japan and make certain efforts to help them overcome this tragedy, they/we have stood by long enough and we are in a huge debt to this country, we owe them. I think the ideological perspective that is represented by the by the cartoonist is imperialism because he thinks that we should help them although they are beyond our established geographical boundaries.
  • This cartoon relates to a current political event because on March 16, 2011 after the storm a power plant began to leak and the nuclear radiation levels soared causing hazardous air around the plant and stopping work. It relates to our in class discussion because we have talked about how it will affect the economy since a lot of things are shipped from Japan to the United States.
  • Satire and irony influence the topics covered in the cartoon because they used a white hand and they used an actual socket like its that simple to help them get out of this by pulling a plug and its not.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama has everything "under" control

  • These words are being used to describe the cartoon because the three places that are in the cartoon are Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. All these places are going through problems that affect the United States and Obama has to step in, in some way.
  • Obama is represented in this cartoon and the countries that are wearing him down are represented also. The artist means that Obama is carrying these countries and their problems on his back and its wearing him down.
  • The action taking place in the cartoon is Obama walking and mosquitoes are used as the countries sucking the blood out of his back.
  • The message of the cartoon is that all of these countries are involved with the United States some how and their problems affect us. The ideological perspective represented by the cartoonist is liberal conservative.
  • This cartoon relates to a current political event because recently in Afghanistan and Iraq we have American troops that are dying there, in Libya the governement is out of control and they have no stability. It relates to our class discussion because they all interrupt our political system when our president has to come to their rescue.
  • Satire and irony affect the topic covered in the cartoon because the problems in these places doesn't necessarily mean Obama is being worn down and he can't control the situations at hand and that is what portrayed in the cartoon.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Morning After

  • These words describe the cartooon because it is referring to the morning after the Tsunami in Japan.
  • Cars, homes and basically a whole city is being represented in the cartoon. I think the artist means that everything the people in Japan owned, was wiped out due to the Tsunami.
  • The action taking place in the cartoon is the Tsunami is hitting Japan very fast and hard, the city is destructing as it is getting hit.
  • The message of the cartoon is that the Tsunami wasn't a serious issue and I think he is trying to say that they are not finding any people because there are no people in the picture that seem helpless or hurt. I would say the cartoonist is a Liberal because it comes across that he believes this is not our problem.
  • This cartoon relates to a current event because Japan was hit recently by this Tsunami on Monday and that was earlier this week. It relates to our class discussion because it affects political efficacy in our country and that is what our class is based upon.
  • Satire and irony influence the topics covered in the cartoon because everything is written dramatically and all the colors are bright, this shows that the writer believes the whole Tsunami as a joke.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


• These words are being used to describe the cartoon because the artist is making fun of the new health care plan Obama has introduced.
• Senior citizens are being introduced in this cartoon because they are one of the main groups of people who need health care web if they are working or not. I think the artist means that we need affordable health care for everyone especially those who can not afford it and those who are more sick than others such as elderly people.
• The action taken place in the cartoon is a button/trigger that is available for senior citizens to push when their dead it is just a symbol that iF the government doesn't provide healthcare for them they will die.
• The message of the cartoon is that it is the governments job to ensure healthcare to the people of the U.S.. I think the cartoonist is a moderate because he cares about the topic enough to talk about it but I don't know if this is the only topic he cares about that concerns the people of the United States so that is why I put him in the middle of the spectrum.
• This cartoon relates to a current event because the healthcare laws are still a big issue as mentioned in the State of the Union speech. It relates to past class discussions becaus we had to talk about certain topics that were introduced in the State of the Union speech and health care was one of them.
• Satire is showed in this cartoon because it is mocking a political topic I do not think it shows irony though.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

•The Camels Nose. I think the words are being used to describe this cartoon because a camel had many humps in it's back and it goes up and down just as the government does in Egypt with the people and the violent protest.
•Camels and democracy are represented in the cartoon. The artist means that they are supposed to be a democracy but their clearly not because the same man has been in office for 30 years consecutively and the people are not happy. I think the artist means that Egypt should be given an equal democratic country.
•The action in the cartoon is te camel peeking under a tent labeled Egypt, the camel was labeled democracy.
•The message of the cartoon is that the government is a camel and they expect the people to sit and slow walk around what they want. The ideological perspective is a democracy.
•This cartoon related to the political event in Egypt where they want to overthrow the government. This relates to our discussion in class because we have talked about president Bubarack and his role as the Egyptian president.
• Satire and irony influenced the topics covered in this cartoon because the camel makes it ironic due to the fact that a camel moves slow and the people of Egypt reacted fast.