Wednesday, March 9, 2011


• These words are being used to describe the cartoon because the artist is making fun of the new health care plan Obama has introduced.
• Senior citizens are being introduced in this cartoon because they are one of the main groups of people who need health care web if they are working or not. I think the artist means that we need affordable health care for everyone especially those who can not afford it and those who are more sick than others such as elderly people.
• The action taken place in the cartoon is a button/trigger that is available for senior citizens to push when their dead it is just a symbol that iF the government doesn't provide healthcare for them they will die.
• The message of the cartoon is that it is the governments job to ensure healthcare to the people of the U.S.. I think the cartoonist is a moderate because he cares about the topic enough to talk about it but I don't know if this is the only topic he cares about that concerns the people of the United States so that is why I put him in the middle of the spectrum.
• This cartoon relates to a current event because the healthcare laws are still a big issue as mentioned in the State of the Union speech. It relates to past class discussions becaus we had to talk about certain topics that were introduced in the State of the Union speech and health care was one of them.
• Satire is showed in this cartoon because it is mocking a political topic I do not think it shows irony though.

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