Wednesday, March 2, 2011

•The Camels Nose. I think the words are being used to describe this cartoon because a camel had many humps in it's back and it goes up and down just as the government does in Egypt with the people and the violent protest.
•Camels and democracy are represented in the cartoon. The artist means that they are supposed to be a democracy but their clearly not because the same man has been in office for 30 years consecutively and the people are not happy. I think the artist means that Egypt should be given an equal democratic country.
•The action in the cartoon is te camel peeking under a tent labeled Egypt, the camel was labeled democracy.
•The message of the cartoon is that the government is a camel and they expect the people to sit and slow walk around what they want. The ideological perspective is a democracy.
•This cartoon related to the political event in Egypt where they want to overthrow the government. This relates to our discussion in class because we have talked about president Bubarack and his role as the Egyptian president.
• Satire and irony influenced the topics covered in this cartoon because the camel makes it ironic due to the fact that a camel moves slow and the people of Egypt reacted fast.

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