Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Morning After

  • These words describe the cartooon because it is referring to the morning after the Tsunami in Japan.
  • Cars, homes and basically a whole city is being represented in the cartoon. I think the artist means that everything the people in Japan owned, was wiped out due to the Tsunami.
  • The action taking place in the cartoon is the Tsunami is hitting Japan very fast and hard, the city is destructing as it is getting hit.
  • The message of the cartoon is that the Tsunami wasn't a serious issue and I think he is trying to say that they are not finding any people because there are no people in the picture that seem helpless or hurt. I would say the cartoonist is a Liberal because it comes across that he believes this is not our problem.
  • This cartoon relates to a current event because Japan was hit recently by this Tsunami on Monday and that was earlier this week. It relates to our class discussion because it affects political efficacy in our country and that is what our class is based upon.
  • Satire and irony influence the topics covered in the cartoon because everything is written dramatically and all the colors are bright, this shows that the writer believes the whole Tsunami as a joke.

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